Full Body Workout #5

Here are the workout details!

Circuit 1:

- Jump Rope - 30 sec.

- Squat to Overhead Press - 30 sec.

- Bicep Curl (Half Rep to Full Rep) - 30 sec.

- Plank - 30 sec.

Repeat for 3 rounds!

30 sec. REST between each round!

Circuit 2:

- Skater Hops - 30 sec.

- Bent Over Rows - 30 sec.

- Sumo Walks - 30 sec.

- Sit Ups - 30 sec.

Repeat for 3 rounds!

30 sec. REST between each round!


- Alternating Shoulder Press - 30 sec.

- Squat to Crunch - 30 sec.

- Jumping Jacks - 30 sec.

- Overhead Tricep Extension - 30 sec.

Repeat for 2 rounds!


Full Body Workout #4


Booty Workout